Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 3

Today was another great learning experience where we were able to learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy. We visited The Civil Rights Musuem and the Freedom's Sisters exhibit. In the Freedom's Sisters exhibit. they had a replica of the bus in which Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. We were able to learn about the women. who made a difference and how they contributed to a movement that inspired others. During the time I was ther the following quote really caught my attention :

"The greatest evil in our country today is not racism, but ignorance....We need to be taught to study rather believe..." -Septima Poinsette Clark 1898-1987

Septima was an educator that taught African Americans how to reach empowerment politically and personally. I realized that even though Septma experienced a difference lifestyle and endure unimaginable obstacles the quote implies to many issues relevant today. We are a culture that is quick at judging and passing judgement instead of educating ourselves regarding the topic.

I really enjoyed getting to know everyone and seeing what they thought and it is always refreshing to see a new perspective.

I am excited for the days to come when we go to Beal Street and go Downtown. amd get a feel of Memphis. :)

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